Remember these special moments forever with these great products available in our office. Heartbeat keepsakes come with a recording of your baby’s heartbeat, and the jewelry features your baby’s heartbeat tracing or face. Personalized and special, these gifts are treat for you and others to capture the moment and remember the sound! More options available in the office.
At First Glance has paired up with Sneak Peek Labs to offer gender determination at 6 weeks! We can also identify the sex of your baby as early as 14 weeks by ultrasound. Take your pick!
The Sneak Peek test uses a small sample of the mother’s blood, taken from the arm, and analyzes it for the presence of the baby’s gender. The test takes about 15 minutes to complete, and our technician will collect the sample in our office and mail it to the lab. Results are emailed directly to the client.
The Sneak Peek lab test takes about 15 minutes to complete. Results are sent directly to the client via email. Standard delivery is 2 days after samples are received. Results can be fast tracked for earliest available delivery for an additional $20.
Starting at 14 weeks we can perform an ultrasound and identify if baby is male or female. We can show you the “signs” on the ultrasound if you are interested, and we are looking directly at the baby’s genitalia via ultrasound. You will find out the same day (as long as the baby cooperates so we can see).
Sex of the baby can be determined by ultrasound at 14 weeks at the earliest- however, any time after 14 weeks this test can be performed. Even at 40 weeks we can confirm gender with our ultrasound.
Not a problem! We can put your results in an envelope, we can tell your designated friend or family member, we can definitely help keep the results secret. Shhhhhh!
If we are unable to get good pictures because the baby is not cooperating, we will bring you back to redo the portions of the service that we were unable to complete, for FREE! We understand! Some babies are camera shy!
We do not send out the ultrasound to third parties. We will give the client a DVD recording and all of the photos, to share with whomever she chooses. We are not providing medical information, and therefore do not transmit the information to healthcare professionals.
If we think that we see something abnormal, we will let you know. If we suspect that there is an emergency or urgency, we will stop the exam and advise the client to proceed for diagnostic medical evaluation/testing. We are not performing diagnostic ultrasounds and therefore cannot and do not diagnose or give specific medical advice.